Birth Trauma Support Ottawa
Birth Trauma Support Ottawa

Birth Trauma Ottawa is an Ottawa & Area based peer support group available to those interested in reconciling birth trauma, perinatal loss, and abortion experiences through community peer support and regular connection. They are an accessible and inclusive group, that meets in person once a month and are there for you, when you are ready. If access is an issue, please be in touch as they can find alternate ways to "meet" with you.

Contact by Email:

Facebook: Birth Trauma Ottawa (private group)

Instagram: @birthtraumaottawa

Meet Emma
Meet Emma

Emma is a first generation Canadian of Sri Lankan descent. She has earned both her Practical Nursing Diploma from Algonquin College and BScNursing from the University of Ottawa. Emma currently practices as a Registered Nurse at the Ottawa Hospital and has worked in various positions throughout her career in community and hospital settings providing direct patient care, education and counselling.

Her personal experiences with birth trauma in 2015 left many physical and mental challenges. There were also many unanswered questions, and she found a general lack of support and resources. Her birth story has led her to a path of wanting to help others who are seeking support because of the challenges they have faced during their perinatal journey.

Meet Jen
Meet Jen

Jen has received a B.Ed in Physical Education with concentrations in Gender, Religious Studies, and Psychology at McGill University in Montreal, and has always found herself intrigued with the connections of mental and physical health.

Because of her experiences with sexual and birth trauma, Jen has longed to learn more about ways to offer support to those who are making their way through tough life transitions. These days she works with people through Yoga Therapy, Birthing From Within and is completing her studies as a Registered Clinical Herbalist.

She also works as an implementation coach for parents whose children are struggling with physical and mental health challenges. Jen believes wholeheartedly that as humans, we weren’t meant to struggle on our own. Our hearts and our stories are meant to be witnessed, held and tended to by listening and caring ears, as a way of reconciling and moving through challenging experiences.