In the wild journey of motherhood, QueenCare shines as a sanctuary of support and camaraderie. This extraordinary organization has carved out a haven for moms in Brockville, providing not just essential resources but an environment brimming with compassion and understanding.


PEER SUPPORT for Postpartum Parents

Running every Wednesday, from 10am-Noon

@The Brockville Public Library,

23 Buell St. Brockville, ON

Joins us for a drop-in peer support group for parents and caregivers of children under 4.

Connect, be heard and fill your cup with folks experiencing similar challenges and similar joys.

Conversations will be driven around topics like, “What are you finding most challenging this week?”. “What is something you didn’t expect to be a part of your story?” “What would you say to encourage another parent in your shoes?” 💜

This is a safe space to share openly about your experiences, find real connection and get some encouragement. Toddlers and infants are welcome!

Registration is not required; just drop in for any duration of time between 10am and 12pm!

Thoughts on Postpartum:

Isn’t it incredible that in that first moment after birth a person takes on an entirely new identity? In an instant, one goes from Sister, Friend, Partner, Wife, to Mom, Mama, Mother. And yet, the actual growing into Motherhood, for many women, is not an instant.

The matrescence process is not always love at first sight, or thriving to care for your new baby while also managing your own health. It can be difficult, and it can be far from what was expected.

It’s a much slower, potentially strenuous process of wild challenges, overcoming pervasive doubts, and learning about twenty new things each day for many weeks on end. All the while you’re at your most tired, ever.

In starting a PEER SUPPORT for Postpartum Parents group, we aim to create a soft place to land for those experiencing the hardship of Parenthood. We hope to provide a space to be heard, to be seen, and to be understood. And we will strive to create meaningful connection and provide abundant encouragement to those entrusting us with their hearts, and stories during an incredibly vulnerable time.