What We Offer

We strive to build a stronger community by creating programs focused on maternal health - because we believe Mom is the heart of any home.

QueenCare Maternity Closet is located at 334 Park St., Brockville (Generations Midwifery Clinic) and provides free access to maternity clothes, postpartum supplies, and baby care products.

You do not need to be a client of Generations Midwifery Care to access this resource.

boy sitting on white cloth surrounded by toys
boy sitting on white cloth surrounded by toys

Use our Lending Library to save money on expensive baby equipment and borrow great quality items from toys, baby carriers, breast pumps, carseats & more!

Prenatal Education with QueenCare provides insights and strategies on managing through labour, and how to maintain health for both Mom & Baby during postpartum.

A QueenCare Kit makes the perfect baby shower gift and is filled to the brim with essentials any woman would need to care for herself during postpartum, as well as locally-made gifts that encourage rest, recovery and self-care.

A gift that's truly all about Mom!

Better Together is a safe space for Moms to share the ups and downs of Motherhood, meet new friends, and get connected with local supports.

Meeting at the Brockville Public Library, Wednesdays, 10-Noon, Sept-June.

In-Home Postpartum Support is truly the heart and passion of QueenCare. Get real hands-on help in the home with cooking, cleaning, and care for both Mom & Baby.

Our Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support team is made up of Melissa Foley, from Healing Loading and Tara Kelly, Co-Chair of the Brockville Butterfly Run & PAIL Network Volunteer.

Together we provide our community with:
- workshops for workplaces on how to best care for a colleague who has experienced pregnancy/infant loss

- one:one support for individuals walking with a friend or family member through loss
- care kits to support a woman through loss

- monthly Peer Support for bereaved parents

- in-home postpartum support for Mom & family

QueenCare is excited to host free community workshops in collaboration with local experts, focusing on essential parenting topics.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other parents, ask questions, and gain valuable insights to support you in your parenting journey. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn and grow in a friendly, supportive environment.