What local Moms are saying about QueenCare...

Happy Mom
Happy Mom

My postpartum present from QueenCare was one of the greatest gifts I received after having my second daughter. I felt spoiled to have gifts solely for me! It’s always nice to receive baby gifts but the most meaningful gifts are from friends who know I’ll take good care of my baby but perhaps I’ll struggle to take care of myself.

This gift reminded me of the importance of caring for myself this time around. The cozy pyjamas and the sleep spray helped me relax and get rest when I could. Every piece was well loved and perfectly planned. I appreciate how QueenCare supports local vendors and their heart behind the business. I will definitely be purchasing kits for the new and seasoned moms in my life!


mom and baby
mom and baby

The basket I received for my labour/post partum was absolutely incredible! If you are looking for a kit that has all the essentials this is the one for you!

The owners of QueenCare are so knowledgeable about mom’s needs postpartum. As a first time mom this kit made all the difference! Would definitely recommend and purchase for friends in the future!


QueenCare's Better Together: Peer Support group goes well beyond our meet ups on Wednesdays. It extends into those nightly feedings that can feel so lonely, but then I think of the other mom's I've met and I know they are doing the exact same thing. It extends into new friendships, new tools ands resources, text messages about all things baby related, and learning about ways to ease the worries and questions around caring for a child, and yourself. We are building a community of mothers supporting each other and thereby uplifting our families and rippling out to others, and beyond. I'm not alone in this. Its solidarity. I have been enjoying these meet ups as a place for me to embrace motherhood and, let's be honest, as a reason to leave the house and see other lovely human beings!


I received a care kit at my baby shower from QueenCare and I felt like a weight had been lifted. I felt like someone was holding my hand through the next portion of my pregnancy and my next adventure, postpartum. It made me feel like everything was okay and I had a support system who truly knows what I'm going through/what I'm about to go through.

I was provided with a whole basket of fun and practical goodies, along with a pamphlet that had information on what to expect...Information that through all my reading and preparation I had not come across. All this to say, I did not realize how much I needed this service. I HIGHLY recommend QueenCare to all moms.


healthy mom
healthy mom

I will always remember the quality of care and presence that QueenCare lovingly brought to my postpartum. And if I had one of wish, I’d wish that every woman in that tender and beautiful time was cared for the way QueenCare cared for me.

♥ TR