We have gathered around us some of the smartest, most dedicated individuals we know from our community. We'd love to introduce them to you!

Leslie Groves
Chair & Valued Board Member
Leslie Groves is a valued member of our board. With 30 years of experience as a community pharmacist in Brockville, she has dedicated her career to helping the local community with their healthcare needs.
Leslie's commitment to her work is mirrored in her personal life, as she has been happily married to her high school sweetheart, Jevon Groves, since 1994. Their strong bond has resulted in two wonderful children, Logan and Sarah, of whom they are extremely proud.
Leslie's belief in the vision of QueenCare, is evident in her passion for her role on the board. We are delighted to have Leslie as part of our team.

Tim Utting
Treasurer & Valued Board Member
Tim is the president of R. A. Utting & Associates Inc., a private investment company. He is also an Accredited Financial Counsellor. With a bachelor's degree in economics from Western University, Tim has a strong background in finance. Prior to his current position, he worked as a lending officer with National Trust.
Tim's passion for helping others has led him to serve on the QueenCare team. He firmly believes in the invaluable work that QueenCare is doing for women who are going through the beautiful yet challenging journey of becoming mothers. Through his expertise in finance and his commitment to making a difference, Tim is dedicated to supporting and empowering these women during this important phase of their lives.
Elinor Utting
Vice Chair & Valued Board Member
Elinor Utting is a highly valued board member with an impressive background in community service.
For 10 years, she supervised the Day Away Program at the Alzheimer’s Society, providing crucial support to individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, Elinor worked as a Family Support Coordinator for 20 years at the Brockville and District Association for Community Involvement, assisting families in need. Her dedication to making a difference extended to her involvement with the Loaves and Fishes Board, where she served for 7 years.
Recently, Elinor and her husband Tim took the initiative to establish the Mona’s Meals Program, which aims to provide nutritious meals to children and their families in the community.
Recognizing a gap in services for postpartum women, Elinor is enthusiastic about QueenCare. As part of this initiative she even makes reusable breast pads for mothers who choose to breastfeed. Her unwavering commitment to helping those in need is truly commendable.